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Top 2 Backpacking hiking recommended


Top 2 Backpacking hiking recommended

Hello adventurers, companions back again with us at backpacker dreamland, in my post this time, I would recommend a friend for outdoor adventure in a very wonderful once, but very extreme and requires strong physically and mentally to be adventurous in these places.

For those of you who are adventurous hobbies, then you are very suitable for a visit to the extrim, but these places are located in the country of Indonesia.

Maybe you've done a backpacking trip in mexico, vacation Utah, Alaska, Australia, uk or trips in north Carolina for boy scout, if you ever go to these places, then you will feel the sensation of a new and very wonderful if you go to Indonesia.

Unlike the adventure backpacking Africa that has some places that are very extreme, but in Indonesia it's more I recommend, because an awful lot to indahan the hidden nature. Just below is the Top 2 Backpacking hiking recommended in Indonesia.

Backpacking hiking recomended

The crater Queen

The crater Queen is one of the highly recommended for backpackers that hobby toadventure with a heavy obstacle, the crater of the Queen was in Indonesia on the island of Java, mount salak of bogor Regency endah.

To reach the crater this Queen, requires the preparation of a mature, as a route to this place is very terjam, and apparent temperature is very cold once, so from that before anyone goes there, sure its you should prepare adequate equipment.

The Summit of Mount bromo

The Summit of Mount bromo is a very beautiful place, with an elevation of thousands of meters above sea level, and the bromo volcano is very in interested in backpacker touris demand, due to the natural charm of Mount bromo wonderfull.

To reach the Summit of Mount bromo requires less than 3 days, because of the distance of the perjalaanan very much and have to pass a very heavy obstacles to reached its peak.
If you interest to ber backpacking tour to bromo volcano, you can use the services of a travel insurance which is at post 1 foot of Mount bromo, Central Java.

If you're still curious, you can ask to backpacking Europe a partner, I'm sure they also know the whereabouts of the dank e indahan this place.

The article which I will discuss later

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